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Regular price $0.27
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Pokémon Moves

Colorful Spores
Choose 3 of your Pokémon. For each of those Pokémon, search your deck for a different type of basic Energy card and attach it to that Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage.

Pokémon Information

HP: 100

Card Type: Stage 1

Energy Type: Grass

Attack Cost Type: Colorless,Grass

Weakness: Fire x2


Card Retreat Cost: 2

Card Information

Card Set: XY - BREAKthrough

Card Rarity: Rare

Card Number: 2/162

Card Format: Expanded Format

Card Illustrator: Sumiyoshi Kizuki



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The product images used for single cards are example of the condition you've selected. While the images are of cards scanned from our inventory, it may not be the exact card you receive.

Can this item be returned?

Single Trading Cards are excluded from our return policy, so they are unable to be returned.

How fast is shipping?

Our orders ship within 1 to 2 business days. Depending on your shipping selection at checkout it may take up to 7-9 business days to receive your item from the time your order is placed.